Worship Services
Worship is at the heart of who we are as Northesk. Every Sunday we come together at 11am as God's family to sing, pray, and learn together. Everyone is welcome to worship at Northesk, no matter our age, no matter your background, we hope you'll experience the warm Fisherrow welcome when you come!
Baptism |
In the Church of Scotland you can be baptised at any stage of life, whether baby or adult. The Sacrament of Baptism takes place during Sunday worship, unless under exceptional circumstances. Please note, your choice of date for baptism may not be available based on other church events scheduled so please have a few dates in mind. If you are seeking baptism either for yourself or for your child, please fill out the contact form on our website.
Communion |
The sacrament of Communion, also known as The Lord's Supper, is celebrated on the second Sunday of February, May, and October, and at other times throughout the year as announced. All are welcome!
Weddings |
To enquire about getting married in Northesk, please contact the minister through the contact form on our website. It is important to do this before you have set a date, both to seek the agreement of the minister and to secure the availability of the church.
The minister is available to do Christian weddings both in the church and at alternative venues. Decisions to marry couples is at the discretion of the minister. |
The minister is available to conduct funerals for members of the congregation or for those who live in the parish. If you wish the minister of Northesk to conduct a funeral, please ask your Funeral Director to make contact with the minister.
Social events
Check back here for our upcoming social events!
Ways to get involved: groups!
There are many ways to get involved in the life of Northesk and there are several groups, both church related and outside, that call Northesk home. Check out the list below to get involved.
Musselburgh churches walking group
The next meeting of this group will be on 14th November at 10:00 meeting at The High Street, in front of St Andrews
with a view to walking along to Prestongrange. From there we could return to Musselburgh by bus.
I have plenty of ideas for walks we could do; and we don't necessarily always have to meet at
the same place each time. I'm very open to ideas from the group. As for frequency of
meetings, it could be once a month or every week - whatever suits people best. For more
information, contact Susan Butts [email protected]
with a view to walking along to Prestongrange. From there we could return to Musselburgh by bus.
I have plenty of ideas for walks we could do; and we don't necessarily always have to meet at
the same place each time. I'm very open to ideas from the group. As for frequency of
meetings, it could be once a month or every week - whatever suits people best. For more
information, contact Susan Butts [email protected]
The guild
Northesk is home to an active Guild who meet every other Wednesday at 2pm in the church.
If you're interested in joining, please fill out the contact form on the church website.
If you're interested in joining, please fill out the contact form on the church website.
. The Badminton Club meets every Wednesday in the Church Hall . It is having a Chrstmas break and will resume in January 2025.
. So please do come along and ‘raise a racket’ with us. Everyone is welcome, we fully encourage new faces to pop along and give it a shot. If you have any questions please email Douglas at [email protected]. |
Cook Club
The Cook Club meets every Wednesday in St. Peter’s Church Hall on the High Street at 3.30 pm. Why not come along and join in the preparation of food and sitting together to enjoy a meal. It is great fun, as we never know what we will be making until we get there, and our meals can be a bit random, but that all adds to the fun, as being together, enjoying food and conversation, is by far, the most valuable thing. If you would like more information, please contact Margaret Elgin who would be only too happy to give you more information [email protected]. |
Knit and knatter
The Knit and Knatter group meets on Wednesdays at 10am-12pm fortnightly in the church hall.
Bring your knitting, sewing, crocheting, or whatever else takes your fancy and join us for a time of crafting over a cup of tea and a good blether.
All are welcome and you don't even need to craft to come, your company would be greatly appreciated.
For more details, please contact Audrey Arthur or fill out the contact form on our website.
Bring your knitting, sewing, crocheting, or whatever else takes your fancy and join us for a time of crafting over a cup of tea and a good blether.
All are welcome and you don't even need to craft to come, your company would be greatly appreciated.
For more details, please contact Audrey Arthur or fill out the contact form on our website.
The flowers which decorate the church each week are arranged by a team, who buy and display the flowers. Donations for purchasing the flowers are welcomed. Following the service, the flowers are given to anyone in the community (not necessarily members) who would benefit from receiving a bouquet along with Northesk's good wishes - suggestions on who would benefit may be made at the front door of the church.
If you would like to donate towards the flowers in any particular week, or would like to help in arranging the flowers, please speak to Margaret Elgin.
If you would like to donate towards the flowers in any particular week, or would like to help in arranging the flowers, please speak to Margaret Elgin.
Scottish country dancing |
Scottish Country Dance classes at Northesk are for children and adults. All are welcome, no previous experience required!
Adults meet at 11am-1pm in the Church Hall every Friday.
Classes for children of age 3 upwards can attend the Northesk Junior SCD on Friday afternoons, from 2 pm to 4 pm, in the Upstairs Hall.
Further enquiries from Ruby Wilkinson - 07504 977264 or [email protected]
Adults meet at 11am-1pm in the Church Hall every Friday.
Classes for children of age 3 upwards can attend the Northesk Junior SCD on Friday afternoons, from 2 pm to 4 pm, in the Upstairs Hall.
Further enquiries from Ruby Wilkinson - 07504 977264 or [email protected]
Boys brigade
The 61st Boys Brigade Company (BBs) has a long and proud association with Northesk Church and has made many fine achievements over its history.
The Company has three sections, which all meet in the Church Hall on a Monday evening. These are: the Anchor Boys (P2 - P3), the Junior Section (P4 - P6), the Company Section (P7 - age 18).
If you're interested in joining, please visit the Boys Brigade website and search by postcode for our company. https://boys-brigade.org.uk/find-a-group/
The boys enjoy a wide variety of activities and learn skills and knowledge, through which they gain BB badges. They participate in games and sporting activities, attend summer camp, participate in competitions - marching, music (bagpipes, drums, bugle) - quizzes, football, Christmas parties, helping at the church Autumn Fayre.
The Company has three sections, which all meet in the Church Hall on a Monday evening. These are: the Anchor Boys (P2 - P3), the Junior Section (P4 - P6), the Company Section (P7 - age 18).
If you're interested in joining, please visit the Boys Brigade website and search by postcode for our company. https://boys-brigade.org.uk/find-a-group/
The boys enjoy a wide variety of activities and learn skills and knowledge, through which they gain BB badges. They participate in games and sporting activities, attend summer camp, participate in competitions - marching, music (bagpipes, drums, bugle) - quizzes, football, Christmas parties, helping at the church Autumn Fayre.
Ukulele group
The ukulele group is meeting on an Ad Hoc basis.