Northesk Guild meets every second Wednesday, at 2 pm, starting on 25
September 2024. This year, we are pleased to welcome into our fold
members of the former St Andrew’s High Guild and we will gather together in fellowship, prayer, learning and fun. This year we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Guild Link with Wardie Church, Edinburgh and we look forward to welcoming our friends from there in October (and we will visit them probably early in 2025).
The Guild’s 3-year strategy is ‘Let’s Build a House’ and the theme for the first year is ‘Sure Foundations’ - which we will look at throughout our year, and develop in our own ways.
We continue to raise funds for the Guild projects. This year, we are
supporting Unida -‘Hear our Voice’ - in Brazil and also Crossreach which
supports vulnerable families at Sunflower Garden in Edinburgh and Daisy
Chain in Glasgow.
Later in the year, we will formally join the Edinburgh and Lothians Guilds
Together as part of the Guild’s national re-structuring. We already benefit
from the links with other Guilds through meetings, training sessions and
exchange of information.
Our calendar for 2024/25 is as follows:
All at 2 pm, except where stated.
8 September - Guild Dedication Service (11am)
11 September - ‘Sausage Sizzle’ - fund-raiser (12-2)
25 September - Opening Meeting with Hayley
9 October - ‘From Cockpit to Pulpit’ Tony and Sheila Thornthwaite
23 October - ‘St Giles at 900’ Marysia and Dorothy
6 November - ‘Where did you get that hat?’
20 November - Cook Club - Margaret Elgin
2 December - Guilds Together Christmas Service at Chalmers
Memorial Church, Port Seton
4 December - Guild Project - Unida -‘Hear our Voice’
18 December - Christmas party
22 January - ‘Early Memories of a Student Nurse of the NHS’ and a Bring and Buy stall
5 February - Wallyford Community Centre
19 February - Quiz and Games afternoon
5 March - Guild Project ‘Sunflower Garden and Daisy Chain’
19 March - ‘Smalls for All’ - Joyce Cavaye
2 April - Easter Thoughts
23 April - AGM with Kay Coull, Guild Convenor
All at 2 pm, except where stated.
Our meetings are open to all and everyone will be made very welcome. If
you would like to join the Guild, membership for the first year is free!
If you are interested in joining us,
please contact Dorothy McCann (Team leader) on 07752 646600.
Unida -‘Hear our Voice’ - in Brazil
Crossreach supports vulnerable families at Sunflower Garden in Edinburgh and Daisy Chain in Glasgow.